Constitutia romaniei funky citizens by cosmin pojoranu. Hotarele statului nu pot fi schimbate sau rectificate decat in virtutea unei legi. Constitutia romaniei editia a 2 a, decizii ale curtii. Istoria constitutionala a romaniei 1859 2003 editia a iiia. The current constitution of romania is the seventh permanent constitution in modern romanias history. Ca urmare, comitetul adunarii constituante constata ca sunt intrunite cerintele art. Jan 22, 2018 download download articolul 75 constitutia romaniei pdf read online read online articolul 75 constitutia romaniei pdf constitutia romaniei republicata 2017 constitutia romaniei pdf 2017 constitutia romaniei wikipedia constitutia romaniei republicata constitutia romaniei referendum legile romaniei constitutia romaniei 1991 constitutia romaniei 1866 lp957xiii din 19. Download download articolul 75 constitutia romaniei pdf read online read online articolul 75 constitutia romaniei pdf constitutia romaniei republicata 2017 constitutia romaniei pdf 2017 constitutia romaniei wikipedia constitutia romaniei republicata constitutia romaniei referendum legile romaniei constitutia romaniei 1991 constitutia romaniei 1866 lp957xiii din 19. Constituante din 21 noiembrie 1991, a fost publicatin monitorul oficial al roma aniei, partea i, nr. Constitutia romaniei editia a 2 a, decizii ale curtii constitutionale, hotarari c e d o, hotarari c. Legea cetateniei romane, legea nr 211991 republicata in 2010. It is the fundamental governing document of romania that establishes the structure of its government, the rights and obligations of citizens, and its mode of passing laws. The constitution of romania, in its initial form, was adopted in the sitting of the constituant assembly of 21 november 1991, was published in the official gazette of romania, part i, no.
Legea cetateniei romane, legea nr 21 1991 republicata in 2010 republicat in monitorul oficial, partea i nr. The constitution of 1991, as revised in 2003, contains 156 articles, divided into 8 titles. The constitution was amended once by a referendum on 18 october 2003. The referendum asked voters whether or not they approve a change to the familys definition as provided by article 48 of the constitution, to prohibit samesex marriage the referendum followed a citizens initiative launched by coali. Feb 19, 2017 constitutia romaniei din 1923 textul actului publicat in m. Constitutia romaniei funky citizens by cosmin pojoranu issuu. A referendum took place in romania on 6 and 7 october 2018 regarding the definition of the family in the romanian constitution.
Constitutia romaniei constitutia din 21111991 actualizata. It was adopted on 21 november 1991 and approved on 8 december 1991 in a national referendum and promulgated on the same day. Constitutia romaniei aparuta in monitorul oficial nr. Istoria constitutionala a romaniei 18592003 editia a iiia. Constitutia romaniei din 21 noiembrie 19911 republicata.
Aceasta dispozitie venea in contradictie cu prevederile art. Constitutia romaniei actualizata 2019 in varianta pdf. Jan 12, 2017 constitutia romaniei, in forma initiala, a fost adoptata in sedinta adunarii constituante din 21 noiembrie 1991, a fost publicata in monitorul oficial al romaniei, partea i, nr. Constitutia republicii moldova este legea ei suprema. Ppt constitutia rom powerpoint presentation free to. Parlamentul romaniei, ales in 2008, prefera sa incalce constitutia. Constitutie din 21 noiembrie 1991 republicata emitent. Constituante din 21 noiembrie 1991, a fost publicata in monitorul oficial al romaniei, partea i, nr.
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